Well Movement Values
The Well Movement is driven by the following values that draw people together in mission.
Participation: We value the active participation and growth of all disciples.
Passionate Prayer: Prayer is the starting point for all ministry. We must know the heart of God if we are going to join Him in His work.
Obedience-based Discipleship: We value making disciples who willingly respond in obedience to Jesus. Obedience is the onramp to deeper experience, intimacy, and mission with God.
Multiplication: Becoming a disciple who makes disciples brings you fully into the mission of Jesus. When disciples multiply, churches multiply.
Positive Engagement: We are called to be light, salt, and good news to those around us.
Faith on the Fringe: We are called to bring the hope of Jesus to the fringes of society.
Kingdom Partnerships: God's mission is bigger than any one group. We will be generous in sharing all that we have learned with others.