Our Story
The Well Movement is growing out of the missional heart of Gun Lake Community Church. In 2016, the church responded to God’s call to focus its mission on “Restoring Hope to the Gun Lake Region” which is the fifteen-mile radius around the church. The emphasis was and is that hope would be tangibly experienced in the seven communities around them. But how would they know when that was accomplished? The answer: when every neighborhood, school, and community became a place that people wanted to live and work and where every person had the opportunity to hear the good news of the Gospel. This was not only about coming to the church to find hope but more about the church being a part of bringing hope to the communities around them.
A Vision to Bring Hope
We quickly learned that for hope to cover such a large area, you need many partners. You don’t do this work as a single organization. We also recognized that who people were becoming as they followed Jesus mattered significantly. Not only did every believer need to be equipped to be able to share and represent the hope of Jesus, but we also needed to be able to multiply it in others. The effectiveness of the church would not be in how many people attended, but in how many people could bring life-giving hope to the people around them through their everyday lives.
All the learning from the pursuit of this mission formed the seeds of the Well Movement. We want to fill West Michigan with hope! The keys to this movement? Many partners multiplying disciples who multiply hope …until every person, every friend, every neighbor, every co-worker, and every family in West Michigan has the opportunity to encounter and follow Jesus Christ.”
"The effectiveness of the church would not be in how many people attended, but in how many people could bring life-giving hope to the people around them through their everyday lives."
Books that Inspire
Get Ready to be Unleashed -
Ready for more Kingdom inspiration? We are learning from the Global South and have found these two books to be of value when we began to pray about our place in movement and obedience based discipleship.